For a while now i have been debating whether i loved this perfume or not, i knew i liked it but enough to buy it? i don't know, i bought it regardless as the set was half price at work, after trying to make a decision whether to return it or not i just had to have a spray and i came to terms with the fact i was definitely keeping it as i do love this perfume.
The perfume its self is nothing like the original, it still has that fruitiness to it but its not as sweet as the eau de toilette, this has more of a musky scent as a base which forms it into quite a sexy fragrance but still has that kick with various berries and the firm beautiful black notes of perfumery.
you can definitely pick out the black cherry as it leaves the bottle, mixed with black tea and a hint of almond to give it that seduction we all want.
For around £66 it is well worth the pennies as it truly lasts on the skin and you don't need to go drowning yourself in it as one or two squirts is enough to keep your going.
This is one perfume i do not regret buying and is now a favorite of mine.
let me know your favourite perfume?
meg x