Thursday, 5 July 2018

Series on repeat

Netflix is a thing, its a big thing out there.

I know im not the only one that has that sh*t on repeat, once I get into a series there is 100% guaranty that it will be watched more than once, mainly because im not a film kinda gal, I have probably watched 1\2% of the films out there, which is a tiny amount on the grand scale of things. 


So I turn to my good friend Netflix (mainly any way) and I also know Im not the only out here that can watch a series in a week!!
To help you all out if you've watched your go-to's on repeat and you want a little sommet sommet extra to watch. Im going to give you all a little list of the things I enjoyed watching.

Firstly you know your girls got to bring up Gossip Girl, probably one of the first series I watched and will continue to watch and also forced my boyfriend to watch, which in the end he didn't mind. I feel like I tend to watch it after I've finished another series, before I find another one, its my fail safe. If you like a bit if drama, you lust after that New York life style..its a winner.

This is a bit of an odd one because some people wont get it, but its a series called Him & Her. Not going to lie my boyfriend had it on and I didn't see the fascination of watching a couple sit around thier home everyday, but that's when I started to really enjoy it because apparently theres something fascinating about it, it does make me laugh and its very easy to watch, light hearted humour that's good to have on in the background.

Prison break when about the town! If you've not heard it then where were you about a year or two ago?! Its very gripping and its a long one so it keeps you going for a while but the storyline is really good all the way through. The title basically says it all.
I haven't laughed at a series as much as I did when I found 'Marlon' based on a family with divorced parents, starring Marlon wayans (aka a white chick) if you like his stuff. Definitely a rewatch for me and my boyfriend as we love a comedy.

Peaky Blinders.. A program that I genuinely wanted to watch for ages and ended up watching some random episodes but gravitated towards other series more until my boyfriend wanted to watch it and we ended up watching it on repeat. Its a very good 20's based storyline all the way through and full of drama but also all the icks (eg. Death, blood, beating etc.) A long with swearing and sex sooo if you are young or dont like that stuff then probably give it a miss?

13 Reasons Why is another one I love, which has just came out with a Season 2, although you probably, maybe, definitely heard of it before!

And lastly, well at least I think lastly (I'm sure there's been a few more) a good old classic.... Friends, save the best till lastly. I have watched Friends since I was young and will continue to watch it when I'm old!! If you don't like it then please leave my blog, now... just kidding haha.

All these series on available on Netflix (prison break only available on amazon prime) so I hope it gave you a few more options.

Share your faves below and find some new series if you're just obsessed as me!
Meg x

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