Thursday, 23 April 2015


So its the start of the year and everyone seems to be dieting and exercising to get the body they want for this summer. i never really like the concept of dieting because i always cave and buy chocolate or things i shouldn't be, so i much prefer to exercise.

here are a few tips that help me, which are quite obvious but they do really help me to motivate myself to start exercising or recommence:

The right fit.

Trainers are a very important part of exercising because they really help maintain a good posture while working out or running. having a pair of shoes that hurt your feet or aren't comfortable is not going to make you want to work out.
so pick up a pair that have a nice base, maybe for a particular sport or exercise you are doing.. but they have got to be comfortable and maybe in a cute colour too!


Make sure you re doing it because you actually want to and not because everyone else is or you feel like you should. I always tell my self the night before that i am going to exercise in the morning so i know i am prepared instead of just deciding to go for a run and not really being motivated. colourful or cute workout clothes can also motivate you to get in gear and exercise.

Save your pennies.

You don't have to go to the gym and may a monthly fee if you doubt you are going to use it, there is plenty or cheaper ways, like going for a run, doing home exercises or taking your dog for a walk. Just because some one else has got fancy workout gear doesn't mean you need it, there is so many places now that sale really affordable but still attractive gym wear.


No matter what you are doing though, always remember to drink as much water as you can especially if you are working out (we don't want you fainting) as well as that try to keep a healthy balanced diet because it always helps.


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